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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Junior Spider Awards

Congratulations once again for the girls of 3rd, 4th and 5th.   Our Birds of Bray project has been shortlisted in the Junior Spider Awards.  The award winners will be announced on 13th December.

Good Luck Girls,

You can view the list of shortlisted finalists here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Winners in Washington

Well done to Ms McHale and to 5th, 4th and 3rd class in St Philomena's.  We were prize winners in Washington, at the Microsoft Partners in Learning Global Forum.

We came second in the "Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom" Category.

We are very popular in the media these days.

Read this article about us on

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What a busy week...

Well ladies and gents, 

It has been a hectic week so far here in Washington DC.  We have been kept busy by Microsoft with workshops, excursions, presentations and projects.  There is so much to see here and so much to learn from other teachers who are working hard with their classes from around the world.  I have finally managed to find some time to share all that's been happening.

Yesterday a group of us were taken out to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre to have a look at all the work they do there, studying the environment, looking at water and trees and the animals and plants that live around them.  It was a wonderful afternoon.

After that we came back to the hotel for the beginning of our presentations.  It was our first chance to show off our projects to other teachers and also, to get a chance to walk around and talk to other teachers about their work.  We also had our first juding interviews. 

I've put some photos up on our Picassa albums to give you a quick look at where I am and what is happening.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ms McHale in Washington

Hi blog followers,

I've arrived in Washington after a long flight from  Dublin to London and then on to Washington DC.  (You should find a map and see how far I've had to fly.)  We arrived at our very beautiful hotel, the JW Mariott last night.  It's right beside the White House, so we went out for a walk to have a look at how lovely it is at night.  It's hard to see in the photo, but it's a very impressive building.  I felt like I was in a movie.

We have started this morning with our meetings and presentations.  There are hundreds of people here from around the world, all with different skills and backgrounds, but all involved in education.  You can imagine how many ideas are here to make classrooms exciting and interesting for kids around the world.
Be sure to check back again later.  I'll keep you all updated on the exciting things that happen during the week.  

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Maths Challenge...

Since we started our Blog in January we have had lots of visitors from around the world.  Our flag counter is on the right hand side of the page.  Have a look at all the different nationalities that have visited our page. 
Can you name all the flags?   (Have you been to any of those countries?)
How many visitors have we had all together?
How many visitors have we had from Europe?
How many visitors have we had from outside Europe?

(This picture will help you with some of these questions.  Click on the picture to see a larger version.)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Share a Birdwatching Story with us

Do you have birds that visit your garden?  Do you see birds around your area?  If you have any interesting stories about the birds you see we'd love to hear them.

Add a comment below telling us about the birds you see every day.

If you have any photos you would like to share you can e-mail them to:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Birds of Bray make National News

We were delighted to be featured on the National 6 o'clock news on Tuesday.  We are very proud of all our hard work and this was a great opportunity to share our work with the rest of Ireland.

You can see the news report at: RTÉ News Watch and Listen, Six One News, 1st November, 2011.

Our report is at 43 mins and 50 seconds.

Well done to all the girls for doing such a wonderful job during the morning of recording.

Birds of Bray on News2Day

The Birds of Bray appeared on News 2 Day on Tuesday 1st November.  The girls sound really wonderful, and did a fantastic job showing off all the work they've been doing.

You can view the report here: RTÉ News, Watch and Listen, News2Day, Tuesday 1st November 2011.
Visit the News2day website here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mooney Goes Wild over Birds of Bray

Today the Mooney show called out to the school to interview 5th class about their Birds of Bray project.
Listen to the interview here.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nature day in Knocksink Wood - 3rd and 4th have a great day.

Yesterday our class went to Knocksink Wood, in Enniskerry, for a nature day.  We were very excited.

First we got into our groups.  Each group got their equipment, like cameras, binoculars and notebooks.  When we were ready we got on the bus. 

When we arrived we climbed the long driveway.  At the top we waited for the staff to arrive.

Eventually they came and we went into the Education Centre.  It was full of stuffed animals, bones, games, feathers, models, insects and fossils.  We did lots of fun activities during the day.

First we went on a treasure hunt in groups.  We had to follow the arrows and find pictures of animals and their footprints.  When we got to the end we matched the pictures. Dave met us at the end of our treasure hunts.

Next we were broken into two groups.  Each group did different activities.  The activities were a bird watching challenge, a sound map, and making birds using natural materials.

After that we had our lunch. 

After lunch we did a bird call test with Hugh.  He played bird calls and we had to guess the bird. 
Finally, we were split into three groups.  Two adults went with each group.  We did:
·         Smell bombs and perfumes
·         Scavenger hunts
·         Interesting tiny thing hunt using magnifying glasses
·         Bird watching
We had lots of fun.

At the end of the day we packed our bags and went down the long driveway to the bus.  Eventually we got back to school and went straight home. 

We felt tired but happy.  We had a marvellous day in Knocksink Wood.

(A whole class recount)

Birds of Bray on TV

RTE News2Day came to the school to interview the Birds of Bray team about their wonderful project.  3rd, 4th and 5th class were involved in the day.  Everyone was given a special job.  Some people were demonstrating how we used our equipment, others were researching using books, posters and the internet.  Everyone was looking wonderful, and we were in great form.

The interview should be on in October.  Keep watching to find out the date and see the super-stars at work.

Have a look at some of our photos from the day:

Monday, September 19, 2011

3rd and 4th class visit Bray Harbour

Our Day Out

On Thursday we went to Bray Harbour.  It was cool. 
We were all well behaved at the harbour as bird watchers need to be calm and quiet.  We saw lots of different birds.  I saw a swan.  It had a white body and an orange beak.  It had grey webbed feet.
I also saw some ducks, a muscovy duck and mallard ducks, and some pigeons - a rock pigeon and wood pigeons.  We also saw the little turnstone.

Two mums came with us to help out. On the way home we went to the library.  We borrowed books and read them while we waited for some girls to get their library card.
After the library we went back to school.  We had a great day.

by Caitlyn
4th class.

John and Edward the Cockatiels come to visit.

Courtney brought her pet cockatiels in to visit the class.  She told us all about the birds and explained how she takes care of them.  Afterwards we wrote short reports about the cockatiels.  It was a really interesting visit.  Thanks Courtney.

John and Edward the Cockatiels

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The starlings likes to eat bread, apples, insects, peanuts, oats and bird seeds.  Brown bread is the best for birds. They also eat bird suet.
Starlings are common in urban areas, and are frequent visitors to gardens and parks.
Starlings like to fly in groups.  They are noisy, lively birds.  A group of starlings is called a "murmuration".

The starling has a sharp beak.   It is brownish black, but it has oily feathers so it sometimes looks greenish-blue. It has a speckled breast and back.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sharing our Research on our Wiki

Hello all,
We have a new Wiki site,
A wiki is a website that allows it's followers to add and edit information, pictures, videos, website links ...etc. 
Using this Wiki we will create an interactive encyclopedia of facts relating to the birds in our local area.  We hope the wiki will help us to share our learning with others and to learn from others. 

We look forward to having plenty of followers for our wiki. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Summer Project for you.

Taken from

While you are all on holidays I would like you to watch out for a very interesting bird which visits Ireland in the summer. This bird is called the Common Swift and you can see his picture on some Dublin buses. Swifts are the most aerial birds. They live entirely on flying insects and their legs are so short that, if thy land on the ground, they cannot get into the air again.The only time they land is to build a nest, usually under the roof of older buildings.The young Swifts that are just about ready to fly now will not touch the ground again until they make their first nest in two years time. They can sleep in the air by flying very high and drifting about. Swifts look black and scream as they fly chasing eachother. You will see them in the town centre. Early in August they all leave Ireland for Africa and will not be here again until next May.
Good birdwatching,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some Summer Birdwatching News from Hannah

I have been birdwatching recently and the good weather encouraged me too.
I got  lovely surprises too.

1.A pair of moorhens - two rare water birds that are black with red and yellow bills.They have long wading legs and are slightly smaller than a mallard duck.
2.Many families of mallard duck babies - some are much bigger than others look a few days old.
3.A few days old straggler baby mallard duck got lost with the strong current of the river water's waves.
He swam from the beginning of the river to the end with hope to find his parents and siblings and his determination was rewarded with being reunited with his family.
We wished we had had some bread to feed the ducks but we did not.
We stayed out for hours thrilled by Nature.
The mother then had to keep an eye on the straggler.
We love to watch them grow.
4.We saw six young gulls and one mother gull preening themselves on the rocks in the river.

1.We often go down to the harbour in Bray  to visit the Mute Swans,Chinese geese and the noisy gulls.
Myself and my sister brought a notebook to record what we saw.
We saw about a hundred mute swans and they chased us,honking and hissing loudly.
2.We saw some chinese geese and two yellow fluffy goslings!!!
We fed them our bread and observed them.
There were five geese,two goslings and about 100 mute swans too.

Birdwatching is great in Summer too!!!

From Hannah K

We went to the Robo Show in St Patrick's College, Drumcondra

A few days before the Day arrived we practised presenting our project to all the classes.
I loved teaching the children about how we use our blog and all about our project.
We made our Checklist so we could tick off what equipment we need we had prepared and ready.
When finally the Robo Fair Day arrived we got there and back by bus.
There were lots of other stalls too.
I liked that at the beginning each school gave a summary of their project - That was a lovely way to attract us to other stalls.
The project about special Movie Affects really interested me.
We used bird books,notebooks,binoculars,posters,laptops and Moscow souvenirs such as Bonnie The bear and photos.
On the stage photos were taken,certs presented,projects were sumarised.
Teachers and other interested children came to ask about our project and visit our stall.
We met childeren our own ages,younger,older,teachers and Deirdre.
I liked the Trains Project - the childern were very good at explaining about their project.
I loved the Movie Affects project,The film they made was very well acted and they used clever techniques too.
My favourite part was the Questionare and meeting the other children at the other stalls.
Then the time to go back arrived we wished the day would repeat itself.
The End !!!

by Hannah K

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Birds of Bray attend the Empowering Minds Robo Show

Our class was invited to present our project at this years Empowering Minds Robo Show, in St Patrick's College, Drumcondra.
This show is held every year to give primary school classes the opportunity to share their work with digital tools with others.  We had a really wonderful time meeting pupils from the other schools and talking to them about their projects.  It was also great to have people come to talk to us about our project.  We know plenty about birds now, and about writing blogs, so we were delighted to show off all we had done.  We can't wait till next year.  Hopefully we'll have a new project to show off then.

Have a look at our slideshow to see how much fun we had during our day in St Patrick's College.

An unusual tale...

On Sunday I saw baby ducks and the Mammy, and I saw a HERON.  But the HERON was trying to take the baby ducks, so the mammy duck jumped on the herons back.  She got the baby ducks back.  The baby ducks swam under the bush.  Then I saw the heron sitting on the wall and it just started to stare at them, but the mammy was protecting the babies.  I couldn't see the rest and I had to go home :(

But it was very INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!

By:Amber Kenna !!!

A Poem from Lauren and MoreBlessing

Birds Poem

                                                  birds are funny
                                                  birds are cute
                                                  birds like to have a little tut 
                                                  lisen to the birds keep your ears open
                                                   birds like to sing like a flute
                                                   always remeber to keep quite when your birdwatching
                                                   it is very important  tut,tut,tut.

by MoreBlessing and Laurenxx

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Wagtails are flying birds. Male wagtails are black above and white below. Female wagtails are grey and white. Young wagtails are brownish grey with black breast band.
They drink water and eat worms, flies, other insects and bread.
Wagtails can be found in towns and gardens, on farmland and near water. Wagtails are usually found on the ground. Wagtails run along the ground.  They have long tails and they bob them.

 By Natalia and Shannon


  By Louise, Hannah and Amber
They magpie is a common member of the crow family.  They are a common garden bird in Ireland and can be often seen on roofs of houses, in the park, in woods or in forests. 

The magpie is a distinctive, noisy, black, white and bird with a long tail.  At close range the black patches show green and purple iridescent gloss.   The   magpie is around forty-five cm long.  A mature magpie weighs around 200-250 grams.

The magpie eats young birds or small birds such as robins, tits, wrens, and finches or eggs of other birds and rarely insects.  They also eat berries, fruit, nuts, peas, grain, even large table scraps.  Like other crows the magpie often buries surplus food to eat later on.

Juvenile magpies leave the nest at three or four weeks old.  Its call is noisy and completely distinctive.  Chacha chacha chack is the magpie's song call. 

Magpies are often seen in pairs or small groups.  They like to bury shiny, metal objects and along with the jackdaw has a largely reputation as a jewel thief.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Birds of Bray Logo

Hello ladies,
Our project has been a great success so far, but as we will be entering the World Partners in Learning Forum in November, we now need to think of ways to extend our project and to include other members of the community.

The first step is to create a logo for our project.  If we're writing to people it would be lovely to have a logo attached to our letters. 
This logo could also be used on book marks, posters and maybe we could even create a calendar...

Let's get our thinking caps on and try to come up with some ideas for how we can expand our project, but also I'd like you all to start thinking of a suitable logo for the project.

Thinking caps on!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

A message from Shannon

I am a birdwatcher.  Birds are fun.  Birds are real.  You and me, we all have to birdwatch.
We know how to keep quiet when we are birdwatching.

A poem from Amy

Here is the bird feeder. Herecomes, seeds and crumbs.
Sprinkle them on and see what comes out.
One blue tit, one robin, one chafinch, one sparrow.
Four of my bird friends are eating today.

Feed, feed, feed the birds
In the wintertime
When the days are dark and cold
Food is hard to find
Feed, feed, feed the birds
Till the spring has come
Scatter birdseed on the snow
Feeding birds is fun.

by Amy Doyle

A Blackbird poem from Hannah K

The Blackbird    

The little blackbird ,black as coal,
Happy and bonny ,with such a soul,
Swift and free,as all blackbirds should be,
Beak of gold, it'll still be there when you're old...

Cheep Cheep ,as you peep,
In a bush, you're  soft as plush,
Play with robins,Both of you a bobbing,
Blackbird,Blackbird,Your sweet songs are always heard...

Play along the buttercups, chased by pups,
On the lawn, do sing to me at dawn,
Eat my mix, but don't fly yourself into a fix,
Play with song thrush, both of you  singing in a bush...

Hidden in the sky, up way up high,
Stay on  my gate, never be late,
Fly like a fairy, feeling light and airy,
Patiently wait, at Spring for your mate...

By Hannah K ,

... dedicated to my loyal cat Bubastik...

A poem from Amber

birds are sweet 
birds are cool 
don't go near them because they will get frightened by you 

birds are cool 
birds are sweet 
give them some bread so then they will tweet.

by Amber Kenna

Friday, April 1, 2011

Big News from Moscow

Ms McHale receiving her award from
Dr. Deirdre Butler at the  Microsoft
 Partners in Learning European Forum.

A number of different awards for outstanding projects in different categories were given by an international jury of education experts, led by Dr. Deirdre Butler, professor at St. Patrick’s College, Dublin.  Those who demonstrated the most innovative teaching practices using technology are then selected to attend the Partners in Learning Global Forum which will be held in Washington D.C. later this year.

Ms McHale and her class were delighted when the “Birds of Bray” project was awarded first runner up in the Knowledge Building and Critical Thinking category.  This project will now be further developed and they have been invited to present the project at the Global Forum in Washington D.C. in November 2011.

Birdwatching in Moscow

I managed to get out of the hotel for an afternoon to spend some time looking around Moscow.  While I was walking down the road I saw these birds.
Who can tell me what they are... I think they look the same in Ireland.

A poem by Sophie


There was a little robin looking in my door ,
He then went and hopped around the cornor ,
He ate some nuts.
He joyfully said to  his friends
''oh look there's more bread on the shed''.
So he flew onto the shed and ate some more bread
and then he said ''whats this new thing i can see ''
He ate it and he liked it ,it was porridge oats hmmmmm .
And when he was finished he perched on a rock
Before flying away                                                                                                                                                               

                                       By Sophie Earls

Three Poems From Natalia S

 BirdsFriendly birds are in the way,
And they say,
Come,come,come out to play,
Special friends they are to me,
Feeding them is up to me.

Birds fly high in the sky,,
You will learn more about them soon,
Just bird watch everyday.
flying is what birds do,
laying is also one too,
you can always see a bird,
i also see them on my way to school,
never fright a bird or else it will,
go go go away.

Ducks can swim,
You can too,
So try it out and swim with a duck.

Ducks splash in the water,
Splash splash,
Ducks go quack quack.

When they get tired ,
They lay on the sand,
To dry of when the sun shines down.

                                                                  by Natalia Soltysik

A Poem from Lauren...

Birds poem

      Birds go here .
   Birds go there .
Birds are flying everywere.

In the sun.

In the wind .
Any weather..
Birds love air.

                                             by Lauren Murphy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

On the way home...

Hello bloggers,

It's been a long week in Moscow.  Microsoft kept everyone very busy with lots of early mornings, late nights, long meetings, presentations, talk, collaborating with other teachers, and lots of new ideas.  It was a great week and very exciting to see Moscow. 

Here's a picture of the Irish team in Moscow. 
From left: VictorMcNair (Northern Ireland Judge), Doreen McHale (Rep. of Ireland Teacher), Christine Murphy Gardner (Northern Ireland Teacher), Deirdre Butler (Rep. of Ireland Judge), Cathal O'Connell (Rep. of Ireland Teacher).
But now, it's all over, and we're in the airport ready to come home.  I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep and a big lie-in tomorrow morning. 
I'll see you all on Monday morning and tell you all the exciting news... and I have some BIG news.

Ms McHale

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Research by Amy... flags

Irish Flag

Russian Flag

Greetings from Moscow...continued.

Hello again bloggers,

It's day two at the Innovative Educators Forum and today is much more relaxed than yesterday.
This morning we had lots of wonderful talks. In particular there was one from a speaker called John Devitt. A very clever, and very entertaining man. He had some very exciting ideas about how to use technology in the classroom in very interesting ways.

Here is one idea called the Learning Event Generator:

Click on the link and have a look at the tool and tell me what you think

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photos from the Microsoft Innovative Teachers Forum in Moscow

Natalia's poem...

Hi Bloggers,

I wrote a short poem about birdwatchers.  Here it is.


Birdwatchers need to be calm and quite,
I am a birdwatchers of my own,
Birdwatchers are people who bird watch.

by Natalia Soltysik.

Greetings from Moscow...

Hello Bloggers,

I had my bags packed and I was ready to go.  I couldn't wait to get on the plane and head off to Moscow.

I met some new friends on the way from other schools in Ireland.
We flew from Dublin to Frankfurt and then on to Moscow. (Can you tell me where Frankfurt is?
Finally we arrived in Moscow. It was a long flight yesterday.
We arrived in very late last night so I didn't have a chance to send my message last night. We didn't get to bed until 1.00 in the morning. We were very tired this morning when we had to get up at 6.30. Yikes!!

We arrived at the hotel for the forum this morning and got to work putting our stand together. 

Ms McHale had brought loads of information, the lovely posters, some photographs of all you guys working on your project and sharing your learning, and some souvenirs from Ireland to share with the other teachers at the forum.

Can you see me at the stand?

We have been meeting with people all morning and lots of other are interested in our Blog.  A teacher from Russia wants to do a bird project with her class now because of all your hard work.  She's going to be looking at our blog to get some ideas.  We'll have to keep up the good work.

Don't forget, this is a competition, so Ms McHale has also been talking to the judges about all your work.

It has been a very busy morning.  So I'm off now to look at all the other exhibits and get some great ideas.

We hope you're all working hard,

Bonnie the Bear

Monday, March 21, 2011

What did we think about our Project?

Off to Moscow...

Hi guys,

We've made it to the airport, but we're really early, so we decided we would take a few minutes to start off the blog of our journey to Moscow.   We're both very excited and looking forward to learning some new things and meeting some interesting people.

Remember, we'll be checking the blog and e-mail during the week, and if anyone has any poems or stories they would like added to the blog they can e-mail them to Ms McHale (

We'll be in touch soon,

Ms McHale and Bonnie the Bear.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Birds of Bray Poster

Off to Moscow...

Hi guys,

I'm heading off to Moscow tomorrow to go to the Microsoft Innovative Teachers Forum.  I will be sharing our project with lots of other teachers around Europe. 
It's going to be a busy week, with lots to see and do, and I'm looking forward to seeing all the other projects that are going on in classrooms around Europe.  Hopefully I'll pick up some great ideas that I can take back and try out in St Philomena's.
I'll be blogging for the week to let you all know the exciting things that are happening. 
Wish me luck!!

Ms McHale

Look at these beautiful birds...

I watched these two fancy birds preening themselves on the roof of a house and I thought they looked lovely.  I think they are a type of pigeon, but I'm not sure what type. 
Can you find out what they are?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hannah K keeps an eye out in the People's Park...

We're all birdwatchers so here's some news :

The Mandarin Quack!
By Hannah Kalinin.
In Peoples Park I saw today another beauty duck.  My estimate was a tufted duck as it was orange,white,black,and river,royalblue .
But it was soon googled by me.Answer :A mandarin duck, a type of tufted duck!
He is my fave bird.  I have seen 1 of them before in the zoo but never as such a nice surprise in Bray!This bird comes from somewhere far beyond Peoples Park!I love this bird and I know everyone will agree!!!

A Poem About the Mandarin Duck.

This little duck ,full of her  own little luck,
She sits on a stone ,it's her little home,
She dives , she dances,taking mallard duck  chances,
 She looks in her cool , clear ,river water pool(mirrior)
She: her name is Mandy , loving places sandy ,
She has an eye for a nest , She always looks her best ,
Of her chicks we can dream , Would always have a shiny sheen ,
She eats reed, sometimes forages for some weed ,
She flaps her webbed feet ,to the river's beat ,
She loves to be on!

By Hannah Kalinin

People's Park = Bird's Den            by Hannah Kalinin
Mandy Mandarin is in the middle on a rock.  Poem and picture inspired by and dedicated to this magical Mandy.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Special Project - Microsoft Innovative Educators Forum

We are entering our Birds of Bray project in the Microsoft European Innovative Educators Forum.  Ms McHale is going to Moscow at the end of March to share our project with other teachers from around Europe.  We have been working really hard and hopefully some other teachers will see our project and think it's a great idea, and then they will try it out with their own classes.  It would be great if there were birdwatching classrooms all over Eurpope.

Wicklow Bird Race

I thought the class might be interested.
The Annual Wicklow Bird Race was held two weekends ago. A bird race consists of teams (up to four people) who go looking for as many different species of birds that they can find within certain areas or time limits or both. Wicklow county was the designated area and the race was from 8.00 till18.00.
The winning team scored 98 different types of birds on the day.
Dermot McCabe.

Monday, February 28, 2011

4th class teach Senior Infants all about Birds

Senior Infants came to visit our class this afternoon to learn about birds.
We had activities planned for them:
1. Bird watching out the classroom window using binoculars.
2. Watching our video clips of local birds to look at behaviour and listen to bird calls.
3. Looking at picture books and posters to learn bird names and describe them.

This video show how busy it was in the class this afternoon.
We all had great fun...

Thanks to Senior Infants for being so interested in birds.

A canary report from 1st Class

Here is an example of their reports from Niamh Davies.  What a wonderful job and a very beautiful picture.
Well done Niamh...and thank you all so much for sharing your work with us.

The Birds of Bray Story

We have worked so hard, done all the research, learned loads, and shared our learning with other classes. Here is our story.

Bird Behaviour

Have a look a this selection of video clips. Watch how the birds move and behave towards each other.  What food are they eating? Listen carefully and you can hear the song of each of the birds.Can you name the birds in this video?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A note from the principal - Ms Breen

Ms Breen said...

Girls, your project is wonderful! I have spent a couple of hours this afternoon reading all your comments and reports. The photos are wonderful and very clear. I learnt lots about birds and then looked out my window to see what birds were in my own garden. I'm looking forward to coming into the class during your birdwatching time. Keep up the good work!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bird Challenge - How many can you name?

These are some of the photos we have taken of local birds over the past month.  How many birds can you name?  There are 19 birds in the picture. 
Good Luck...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's a blurry picture... but what type of duck is this?

We saw this little duck on our walk in the park.  He was very difficult to get a picture of as he was hiding near the bank and moving all the time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What bird is this?

We saw this bird on our trip to the park.  We think it's an Egyptian Swan, but we are not sure.  Can anyone help us?

Garden Birds Survey

Log on to BirdWatch Ireland to enter the results from your Garden Bird Survey.  Use the notes you have taken in your notebook and on your survey form to help you.

Click on the BirdWatch Ireland logo to take you to the survey page.  You will have to register using your e-mail address to log on to the website.

What do you think?

Hello ladies...
We have been working on our project for almost 6 weeks and we have been very busy.
During that time we have carried our plenty of internet research, taken a research trip to the library, and we've gone on field trips around our school grounds, to Bray Harbour and the People's Park.  We have had a number of visitors to the class to talk to us about  birds, and also we have worked with other classes to teach them what we have learned. 
We have been feeding the birds outside our classroom, and every day we spend time watching them to see how they behave, what food they like to eat, and what they look like.  You have also done lots of work at home.  Everyone has been feeding the birds in their garden and watching carefully to see which birds are visiting.  We have recorded this information for the BirdWatch Ireland Garden Birds Survey.   We have also looked at different bird feeders and bird food to test which is the most popular with different types of birds.
We have worked in class on art projects to do with birds.
We have used all we have learned from our internet research, books, posters and visitors, but most importantly, from what we have seen to write reports about the wild birds in our local area. 
All our reports, photos and videos are collected here on our blog.  We have had some interesting visitors who have left some very helpful information and you girls have been brilliant at leaving comments and giving feedback to our visitors and to each other.

I'd like to know, after all this work, what do you think?
  • What has been your favourite part of the project?
  • What has been the most interesting thing you have learned?
  • Was there anything you found difficult?
  • Did you learn any new skills?
  • Was there any part of the project you didn't enjoy?
I look forward to reading your replies...

Ms McHale

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wise Words from Dermot

Hello again 4th Class,
I have been looking at your pictures outside your classroom window. You have some birds not on your list pictured there. 2,3,4,5 are pics of a Great Tit. Pic 12 is a male Siskin, a little finch that visits feeders in the Winter. In Pics 18,19,20 you have a Dunnock, sometimes called a Hedge Sparrow although it is not related to Sparrows at all.Your list should be up to fifty birds by trhe Summer! Nice work, all of you.

First Class Came to Visit

1st class heard about all our great work with birds.  They were very interested so we invited them to our classroom to do some birdwatching with us. 
When they arrived we broke the class into two small groups.  We gave them binoculars so they could see all the birds outside the classroom window.  Five of us were asked to be window-watchers so we could point out different birds to them.  They loved looking out the window and they got really good at seeing the birds and finding them on the bird identification posters.

We also showed them all our books and posters about birds and we played some of the videos we have taken of different birds so they could watch how the birds move.

Ms Stone brought us a beautiful painting of blue tits hanging on a branch, which she inherited from her grandmother.

We all have a really lovely afternoon.  Thanks for visiting 1st class.